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Action Bundle Equipment

Enter the You Mobile app. Then press the “hamburger menu” on the top right and select “MY TEAMS”. You can now use the “ADD MEMBERS” button to share a link with others to join you team.

You can share videos in two main ways:

  • From the app – go to the specific video of your game, highlights, clips, and use the share option in the function menu. This will generate a link that you can then send to share your video.
  • From the web player, you can also use the share function and share the video
  • You can also forward a video link you received to others, and they will be able to view it on the web

Yes, open the video link you received in a browser, and it will open a web view of the video.

Category: Sharing & Viewing

Recording Your Game

Enter the You Mobile app. Then press the “hamburger menu” on the top right and select “MY TEAMS”. You can now use the “ADD MEMBERS” button to share a link with others to join you team.

You can share videos in two main ways:

  • From the app – go to the specific video of your game, highlights, clips, and use the share option in the function menu. This will generate a link that you can then send to share your video.
  • From the web player, you can also use the share function and share the video
  • You can also forward a video link you received to others, and they will be able to view it on the web

Yes, open the video link you received in a browser, and it will open a web view of the video.

Category: Sharing & Viewing

Using the Mobile Control App

Enter the You Mobile app. Then press the “hamburger menu” on the top right and select “MY TEAMS”. You can now use the “ADD MEMBERS” button to share a link with others to join you team.

You can share videos in two main ways:

  • From the app – go to the specific video of your game, highlights, clips, and use the share option in the function menu. This will generate a link that you can then send to share your video.
  • From the web player, you can also use the share function and share the video
  • You can also forward a video link you received to others, and they will be able to view it on the web

Yes, open the video link you received in a browser, and it will open a web view of the video.

Category: Sharing & Viewing

Uploading Game Film

Enter the You Mobile app. Then press the “hamburger menu” on the top right and select “MY TEAMS”. You can now use the “ADD MEMBERS” button to share a link with others to join you team.

You can share videos in two main ways:

  • From the app – go to the specific video of your game, highlights, clips, and use the share option in the function menu. This will generate a link that you can then send to share your video.
  • From the web player, you can also use the share function and share the video
  • You can also forward a video link you received to others, and they will be able to view it on the web

Yes, open the video link you received in a browser, and it will open a web view of the video.

Category: Sharing & Viewing

Viewing & Sharing

Enter the You Mobile app. Then press the “hamburger menu” on the top right and select “MY TEAMS”. You can now use the “ADD MEMBERS” button to share a link with others to join you team.

You can share videos in two main ways:

  • From the app – go to the specific video of your game, highlights, clips, and use the share option in the function menu. This will generate a link that you can then send to share your video.
  • From the web player, you can also use the share function and share the video
  • You can also forward a video link you received to others, and they will be able to view it on the web

Yes, open the video link you received in a browser, and it will open a web view of the video.

Category: Sharing & Viewing